At Geneva, we adhere to classical methodology. A classical and Christian education is essentially a liberal arts education that strives to meet the ancient Roman ideal of equipping men and women to function as free men and women in the service of God. The Bible commands all Christians to worship God with our minds and to be good stewards of the talents and abilities with which He has created us. Accordingly, we focus on providing an education that is varied, rich and challenging to the advanced student while still accessible to the average student.

Classical educational methodology is based upon the trivium (Latin for “the place where three roads meet”) which was first articulated in the early middle ages and is carefully tailored to the predictable developmental stages of the student. Logic is the second stage of the trivium.

The Logic School, serving students in sixth through eighth grades, focuses on helping students question, challenge and test what they are learning. Accordingly, classes are discussion based with an emphasis on recognizing causes and effects. Students continue to study the great works and events of Western Civilization. In the sixth grade, students are introduced to formal logic. In seventh grade, students continue with formal logic in preparation for studying debate starting in eighth grade. Instruction is deliberately structured to encourage the development of critical and abstract thinking skills.

Logic School Culture

Geneva Student Handbook 2023-2024

These are all the books Logic school students will read throughout the school year.