The Geneva Booster Club is a parent-led organization open to any interested Geneva parent. The Booster Club exists to raise funds for the school’s competitive academic, athletic and fine arts programs. Funds are raised through membership dues, merchandise sales from Geneva Outfitter and annual fundraising events.
Click to donate to the Geneva Booster Club.
The Geneva Booster Club Executive Committee
- President: Shannon DeLaune
- Vice President: Becky Martin
- Treasurer: Wade Cloud
- Secretary: Jenn Hicks
- Geneva Outfitter: Becky Martin
The GENEVA SHOOTOUT & TALONS UP! DINNER is held each fall and is the Geneva Booster Club’s largest annual fundraising event to support the school’s competitive academic, athletic and fine arts programs is set for Saturday, October 5 at Joshua Creek Ranch!
We need your help!
SPONSORSHIPS are a great way to support this event and advertise your business! See sponsor packages at or contact Becky Martin for details.
VACATION HOME DONATION: We want to raise the most money possible for our kids and in year’s past families who have blessed us with nights at their vacation homes have really helped bring in dollars for our kids! Please reach out to Shannon DeLaune 210-630-9869 if your family would be willing to donate your vacation home for the auction.
SILENT AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED: Another great way to raise funds is by donating silent auction items. This year we are asking that auction items have a value of $200 or more. Either one individual item or all of your items packaged together. Drop off auction items at the Advancement Office inside Old Admin trailer next to the MPB. Best-selling items include hunting and fishing trips, jewelry, hunting gear, event tickets, sports memorabilia, vacation homes, spa packages, gift baskets, gift certificates and much more! Auction donations are a GREAT way to give back AND advertise your business! If you can donate items please fill out the auction donation form. Thank you for supporting Geneva Booster Club…Talons UP!
Spirit Sales
The online spirit store is under construction and will hopefully be up and running soon. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through some technical issues!
Click here to see the ways in which the GBC has supported Geneva’s competitive academic, athletic and fine arts programs since its inception in 2007.