TUITION FOR 2022-2023

Grammar School (grades K-5)        $12,825
Logic School (grades 6-8)               $13,225
Rhetoric School (grades 9-12)        $13,875

A new student fee of $850 per student will be due with the enrollment contract. This one-time, non-refundable fee is in addition to tuition. New students (siblings) from families enrolled at the school prior to 2018-2019 will be grandfathered into this new arrangement.

Tuition fees cover the cost of the educational program. Tuition includes all books, some school supplies and most field trips. Tuition does not cover the school uniform, hot lunch, a yearbook, a graphing calculator required beginning in eighth grade, the week-long eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C.,* the optional Junior Class Trip to Europe* or athletics participation for students in seventh grade or higher.

*The school works with parents to help raise funds to cover a portion of the cost of the eighth grade trip as well as the optional Junior Class Trip to Europe.

Payment Schedule

Geneva School of Boerne uses FACTS Tuition Management Services to help make tuition payments more manageable for parents/guardians. Because of financial commitments the school must make in the spring preceding each school year, Geneva begins billing tuition in March (through FACTS Tuition Management Service) with the final payment due in December. Families new to Geneva School will begin payments one month after signing an enrollment agreement with the final payment due in December.

To make a payment, click here. Questions about tuition or payment schedule may be directed to the Business Office at 830.755.6101, ext. 208.


Geneva offers financial assistance to families with students in good standing and with demonstrated financial need. Assistance is awarded to qualified candidates on a year-by-year basis (i.e. an award one year does not guarantee future assistance, and a decision of “no award” one year does not necessarily mean that assistance will not be offered in the future).

For the 2022-2023 school year, 12% of our student body received financial assistance totaling more than $338,000 with an average award amount of $4,000.

Financial assistance may cover up to but no more than 75% of the current year’s tuition for each student—the remaining balance is to be paid by the student’s family. We encourage all families to fully engage in Geneva’s culture and mission, including attendance/participation in school functions and events when possible.

Geneva uses an outside agency, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, to analyze an applicant’s financial data and evaluate financial need. FACTS charges applicants a processing fee of $35. Click to learn about the filing requirements with FACTS Grant & Aid.

Interested families should complete the online financial aid application

Please note that applications for admission and financial aid for prospective families are separate and should be completed at the same time. All financial information provided is held in strict confidence and is only viewed by the Financial Aid Committee (i.e. the Admissions Committee does not receive information regarding financial aid requests and, therefore, admission is not affected by such requests). The Enrollment Coordinator will notify families of the decisions made by the Financial Aid Committee.

If you have questions about the financial aid process, please contact Enrollment Coordinator Nicole Nicholson or call 830.755.6101, ext. 218.

Key Dates for 2023-2024 Financial Aid

Online Application for Financial Aid Opens – November 1, 2022
Current Families – Online Application Priority Deadline*: January 10, 2023
Current Families – Financial Aid Award Notification: early February
New Families – Online Application Priority Deadline*: January 16, 2023
New Families – Financial Aid Award Notification: upon offer of admission

*Online application must be complete, including all required tax documents.

Frequently Asked

Should I apply for financial aid?

Geneva School of Boerne awards financial aid solely on the basis of financial need. In order to determine whether or not you should apply, you must evaluate your ability to pay tuition. First, consider the total annual cost of a Geneva School of Boerne education. The tuition for 2022-2023 is as follows:

  • Grammar (K-5): $12,825
  • Logic (6-8): $13,225
  • Rhetoric (9-12): $13,875

Then, calculate your ability to cover this cost. To do so, consider all sources of income, adjust priorities and spending as able, and review assets available for use. If after this analysis you believe you cannot cover all of the tuition, we encourage you to apply for financial aid.

Does applying for financial aid affect school admission decisions?

No. The Admissions Committee, which reviews candidates for admissions, is “need blind” and is separate from the Financial Aid Committee. The Admissions Committee is not aware of whether or not a family has applied for financial aid, nor do they consider financial aid as part of their decision.

Who can apply for financial aid?

Any student currently enrolled or new applicants for admission to Geneva School of Boerne can apply for financial aid. Generally, aid will only be awarded for newly accepted students and current students enrolled for the following school year and whose tuition account is current.

Can I complete the application in paper format instead of online?

Our application process is paperless. All applications must be submitted through the FACTS Grant and Aid system. Additional information is available on our website under the Current Parents tab in Tuition & Financial Aid.

How are financial aid awards determined?

Geneva School of Boerne relies on the assistance of FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment (an online service) in calculating the level of demonstrated need of each applicant based upon a completed application. These calculations consider gross income, nontaxable income, assets, liabilities, family size, and situations where the income level does not support the spending level, among other items. Included in this calculation is an allowance for basic living expenses and taxes. The Financial Aid Committee reviews this data and will adjust the amounts based upon additional knowledge about your unique situation.

What documents do I need to submit in addition to filling out the financial aid application?

Please refer to the FACTS Grant and Aid flyer for additional information and a list of required documents needed to complete an application. Supporting documents must be submitted for all adults in the household. Documents must be uploaded directly to your online application by the application due date. In order to be considered in the first round, current families must submit the application and supporting documents by January 10, 2023. For prospective families, the priority deadline is January 16, 2023. Upon review of your application, additional documents may be requested.

What if my tax return has not been filed in time to submit it with my aid application?

Tax returns must be received for your application to be considered complete and eligible for funding. All awards granted are contingent upon receipt and review of these documents. If you have not yet filed your tax return, you should submit your prior year tax return as well as your most recent pay stubs. If you are self-employed, submit your prior year tax return. If your income has significantly changed, you should also consider submitting current YTD financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement or Statement of Profit & Loss). You may be required to submit your current year tax return at a later date.

What if I have children at other schools that charge tuition?

If you have children at other K‐12 schools that charge tuition, and you are applying for aid from Geneva School of Boerne, we expect you to apply for assistance at all schools. If one of the schools does not have a financial aid program, a note should be included in the application with an explanation.

College tuition is considered an investment rather than an expense, as it generally pays for itself with higher future wages. As such, families with college students should utilize federally subsidized loans, as well as financial aid and scholarships that may be available at the college level.

What happens in cases of parental divorce or separation?

Regardless of marriage status, Geneva School of Boerne considers both biological parents as responsible for their child’s education, regardless of any legal assertions to the contrary. Therefore, Geneva School of Boerne requires both biological parents to complete financial aid applications, unless documentation is provided indicating an exception to this policy (i.e. a divorce decree or notarized statement indicating sole financial responsibility by one parent).

What happens if one or both divorced parents have remarried?

In cases of re‐marriage, all adults in each household must submit their information in the application. In the case of a step‐parent, their income and assets are to be included in the application. We will consider obligations a step‐parent has towards his/her own natural children.

What allowances are made if one parent cannot be located or refuses to complete the application?

Geneva School of Boerne understands that some family situations can be very difficult. In such cases, a letter may be submitted to Geneva School of Boerne from a pastor, social worker or attorney confirming that the other biological parent cannot be located or refuses to participate in any aspect of their child’s life. The letter writer cannot be a relative of the applicant. The letter must state the following, as applicable:

  • The whereabouts of the other biological parent is unknown.
  • The other biological parent has provided no support and has had no contact with the family.
  • It is in the family’s best interest not to have further contact with the other biological parent.
  • Any other extenuating circumstances that the individual believes the School should consider.

This letter should be submitted directly to Enrollment Coordinator Nicole Nicholson or mailed to her at Geneva School of Boerne, 113 Cascade Caverns Road, Boerne, Texas 78015.

Is there a limit to the financial aid available?

Yes, there is a limit to the funds available and no guarantee that all demonstrated needs will be met. The amount available each year will vary, depending upon the outcome of the Jogathon fundraiser, the School’s annual budget, and individual donations specified for the scholarship fund.

Is the aid awarded for one year only, or for each year my child attends Geneva School of Boerne?

Aid awards are for one year only. Families must re‐apply for each year they wish to receive assistance. An award one year does not guarantee future assistance, and a decision of “no award” does not necessarily mean that assistance will not be offered in the future.

In cases where a family’s financial situation deteriorates, more aid may be granted. Conversely, if a family’s financial situation improves, they should consider reimbursing the aid awarded so assistance can be provided to more families in need.

If my family has an unexpected financial emergency, can I apply for financial aid after the deadline?

We understand that sometimes a family’s financial situation can change unexpectedly. While funds are limited, we encourage you to apply if needed. When applying late, please email Nicole Nicholson or call 830.755.6101, ext. 218.

Can I still apply for financial aid after the deadline?

Yes. Although the bulk of financial aid funds are utilized in meeting the demonstrated needs of families applying by the initial filing deadline, funds may be available for awards after the deadline. Late applications from returning families that are complete prior to February 15 will be reviewed with new family applications in early March. Those submitted/completed after February 15 will be reviewed as soon as practical by the Financial Aid Committee. We encourage families to pay all required tuition payments pending notification of awards in case sufficient aid is not available.

When will I know if I have been awarded financial aid?

Applications will only be considered if they have been filled out completely and all requested documents have been submitted. For current families who completed financial aid applications by the priority deadline, financial aid decision notifications will be emailed during the online reenrollment period in early February. For prospective families who completed financial aid applications by the priority deadline, financial aid decision notifications will be emailed in mid-March. (For late applicants, please refer to the question regarding application after the deadline.)

Can I appeal the financial aid decision if I believe it is insufficient?

You may appeal the financial aid decision if your financial situation has changed or you believe the Financial Aid Committee may have misunderstood your current situation. In such cases, you may be asked for additional documentation. Please email Nicole Nicholson or call 830.755.6101, ext. 218 for instructions to submit an appeal.

Will my family have to repay the financial aid?

No. Financial aid is a grant, not a loan. However, if at some future date your family’s financial situation improves, we hope you will consider reimbursing the aid awarded so assistance can be provided to more families in need. We encourage all families to fully embrace the Geneva culture by participating in fundraising events and donating to the program in the future to help more students experience a Geneva education.

Does Geneva School of Boerne offer merit scholarships?

No. All awards are based upon demonstrated financial need. It should be noted that the terms “financial aid” and “scholarship” may be used interchangeably at Geneva School of Boerne.

Will my financial aid status and information remain confidential?

Geneva School of Boerne takes seriously its responsibility to maintain confidentiality over all financial aid information and records. It is recommended that you redact any social security numbers listed on your supporting documents and that you personally scan and upload your documents directly to FACTS. Geneva School of Boerne must comply with any legal requests from courts or attorneys to provide documents.

Parents are expected to keep their financial aid awards confidential and not discuss them with other families or teachers.

What if I have additional questions?

Please email Enrollment Coordinator Nicole Nicholson or call 830.755.6101 ext. 218.