Senior Spotlight

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why?  
The most influential book I’ve read is Silence by Shusaku Endo because it puts into perspective the struggles Christians had to face.

What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?
My favorite moment at Geneva was when I played in my first varsity football game.

What will you miss most when you leave Geneva?
I’ll miss the close community here at Geneva. I enjoy knowing everybody’s names and being friends with everyone.

Who has influenced you most while at Geneva? How?
Mr. Shelton has influenced me the most at Geneva. He has taught me a lot because he showed me that Christian men are strong and firm in their beliefs.

What does being a Geneva student mean to you?
Being a Geneva student means that I’m blessed to be a part of this special place.

How would you encourage a Geneva kindergartner to persevere in school?
I would encourage kindergartners to not procrastinate! I would challenge them to pay attention in class. If they do this, school will be easier.

What about Geneva do you hope never changes?
I hope the tight-knit family atmosphere never changes at Geneva.