Senior Spotlight

What is the most influential book you have read besides the Bible? Why?
The most influential book I read, besides the Bible of course, has to be Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. Gentle and Lowly taught me how valuable having a personal relationship with Christ is. It showed me that God is someone I can have a personal relationship with. The book brought me beyond just belief that God exists into something far better.

What is your favorite or funniest moment at Geneva?
Five minutes before assembly, Avery and I had just finished our discussion of what to do during assembly as Chaplains. Suddenly, everyone in the first few rows started to flip out. A spider had managed to find its way into the Lyceum. I grabbed my chemistry study guide and proceeded to save the spider (being the naturalist that I am). However, the spider continued to run off the paper and onto the floor. Every time the spider did that, baby spiders who were residing underneath her belly flew everywhere. Mr. Russell handed me a broom, and I swept hundreds of baby spiders out of the Lyceum. This all happened in front of the entire high school.

What will you miss most when you leave Geneva?
I will miss the people. Walking on the boardwalk, I knew everyone and at least one thing about them. In other words, I could comfortably talk to anyone. This includes the teachers. My teachers did not act like my superiors. They acted like my friends who were guiding me on my journey.

Who has influenced you most while at Geneva? How?
Mrs. Beverly Johnson has influenced me the most at Geneva. My first year at Geneva, Mrs. Johnson would take me to school every morning. It was my sixth-grade year at a completely new school. Every morning, Mrs. Johnson would be there. One of the most important things she taught me was to read my Bible every day. Because of her, that has been a constant habit in my life from a young age. That simple habit has made a tremendous impact on my life.

What does being a Geneva student mean to you?
Paying the school tuition and showing up to class. I’m just kidding. In all honesty, being a Geneva student means investing in your education and your faith. Basically, taking what Geneva offers as your own instead of letting it become forced upon you.

How would you encourage a Geneva kindergartner to persevere in school?
Most of the things I write could not be understood by an adult, much less a kindergartner. Due to that, I would assume it does not just have to be words, but actions. Assuming that’s the case, I would show them a reflection of Jesus’ love which would help them not just to persevere in school, but all of life.

What about Geneva do you hope never changes?
Being the reformed theologian that I am, I firmly believe in “semper reformanda” which means “always reforming.” I hope Geneva never stops changing while remaining true to its essential beliefs. I pray Geneva keeps changing for the better and at the same time people stand up for why Geneva is here in the first place like Mr. Russell did. I will be the first to admit that Geneva is not perfect, yet I will be the first to admit its successes. I look forward to seeing how Geneva will look when I come back to visit.