Seniors Recognized with Highest Honor

Geneva recognizes the most outstanding high school students each school year. The Aquila Award recognizes the male and female student who best represent the goals and ideals of Geneva School. Seniors Gabe Ross and Katherine Lacy were selected by the Rhetoric School faculty and given the esteemed Aquila Award (“Aquila” is Latin for “eagle”). An…


Julius Caesar Champion Named

Geneva third grade students compete in the Julius Caesar Contest each May. Students take a comprehensive written exam on their year-long study of Ancient Greece and Rome. The top 10 scorers earn the right to compete on stage in the Julius Caesar Contest where they dress in their finest togas and answer verbal questions about…


Students Honored with Eagle Award

Geneva recognizes the most outstanding Logic School students each school year with the Eagle Award. Eighth-grade students Jake Roberson and Rachel Troyer were selected by the Logic School faculty and given the esteemed 2021 Eagle Award by Logic School Headmaster Jeff Jones at the Logic School Assembly. An eagle statuette was given to these students…


Senior Theses Begin Monday, May 10

We hope you can join us for some or all of the Senior Thesis Presentations in the school’s Lyceum beginning on Monday, May 10. Click here for the 2021 Senior Thesis Presentation Schedule. The senior thesis is a dissertation in which the student advances an original point of view, typically on a controversial topic. Seniors…


New NJHS Members Inducted

The Geneva chapter of the National Junior Honor Society held its annual induction of new members at a Logic School Assembly recently. Rising seventh graders Brice Allison, Kate Allison, Klair Allison, Payton Boles, Baysia Bragg, Noah Brunsvold, Abigail Bussey, Elle Chalmers, Brady Chandler, Trinity Cloud, Maggie Deimund, Nick Dube, Gage Elizondo, Norah Galbreath, Aubrey Granstaff,…


Students Inducted into NHS

Geneva recently inducted 34 new members into the Geneva chapter of NHS, bringing the total membership to 85. Students earning this honor showed accomplishments in leadership, character, scholarship and service. Susan Greenlees, the Geneva NHS sponsor, encouraged the new members through the words of Papyrus: “No one keeps enthusiasm automatically. Enthusiasm must be nourished with new…
