Eagles Athletes Earn Awards
Eagles basketball and soccer athletes were recognized with end-of-season TAPPS State and District awards for their individual performances on their respective teams.
DetailsEagles basketball and soccer athletes were recognized with end-of-season TAPPS State and District awards for their individual performances on their respective teams.
DetailsThe Geneva Fine Arts Department presented “Shakespeare on the Green” last weekend in three different showings on the Geneva stage. The production is a fun, frantic and slightly fractured introduction to five of Shakespeare’s plays. The five narrations were “Taming of the Shrew,” “King Lear,” “Comedy of Errors,” “Merry Wives of Windsor” and “The Winter’s…
DetailsThe Eighth Grade Oratory Contest is a highlight of Geneva’s Logic School experience. This competition has become a tradition in which each student memorizes a piece from a selection of historic poems and speeches and delivers his prepared recitation in front of a panel of judges. After six weeks of practicing and honing their speaking…
DetailsGeneva Rhetoric School art students competed in the Region 20W VASE (Visual Art Scholastic Event) Contest on Saturday, February 23 in San Antonio. All six Geneva students who participated in this contest received the highest marks. These students were Jackson Friesenhahn, John Henry Friesenhahn, Alexa Georgelos, Jayne Goodman, Gwyneth Lewellyn and Annie Ramsey. The art…
DetailsGrammar students take their “Hats off to Volunteers” at an annual assembly where Grammar students and faculty show their appreciation for all volunteers for their faithful service. Many of these students were dressed up for the second grade’s annual Laura Ingalls Wilder Day.
Grammar students celebrated National Handwriting Day during the school’s John Hancock Handwriting Awards Assembly. John Hancock is known for his distinctive bold signature on the Declaration of Independence. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade entered the school’s annual competition by submitting a handwritten Bible passage from Isaiah 40:28-31. Teachers submitted the top three handwriting samples from each…
DetailsThe Eagles varsity girls soccer and varsity girls basketball teams ended their seasons in the last week. The soccer team lost 4-1 in the TAPPS Division III State Semifinal Match to Houston St. Thomas Episcopal, the eventual State Champions. The basketball team lost 30-29 to Texas School for the Deaf as TSD sunk a free…
DetailsThe Eagles varsity girls basketball team won its area playoff game to advance to the TAPPS 4A regional game with a 77-48 win over The Woodlands Christian Academy in the area playoff game. They will face The Texas School for the Deaf in the TAPPS regional game at 2pm on Saturday 2/23 at San Marcos Academy. Gate…
DetailsGeneva celebrated its annual Book Week in which Grammar School students and teachers focused on their love of reading. The theme of the week was “Hooked on Classics” and culminated in the beloved tradition of the Book Character Parade where each member of the Grammar School was dressed as a classic book character or historical…
DetailsThe Eagles varsity girls basketball and soccer teams are competing in post season play. The varsity girls basketball team will host The Woodlands Christian Academy on Tuesday, February 19 at 6pm in the Geneva Gym in the TAPPS 4A Area Playoff Game. The team won the District Championship with a 41-19 win over San Antonio…